Hallo everybody!

In the fall of 2004 I had an invitation to visit the Norwegian Association for Animal Placement and their FOD –kennel to see whether I could find a dog to suit my circumstances. Ellen Simonsen, the manager, showed me round and mentioned two puppies that had just arrived. She thought that I might be the right type of owner for them. I was a little sceptical, puppies are cute to look at, but not what I had need of right then. However, it was love at first sight! And then Ellen drops the “bomb” - the puppies are deaf! Not wanting a puppy, and certainly not two, and in no way deaf, I ask for time to consider her proposal. After a couple of days thinking the challenge through, I decide to go for it – why can’t I manage where others have succeeded? The dogs, named Ruth and Vigdis, now know 40 signs which we use in our communication each and every day. The signs are performed by one hand, the other holding the lead. To avoid traffic scaring them, we walk towards the traffic so that the nearest lane of cars is the one they see coming towards them. Some breeders put down dogs that don’t function perfectly. I am very grateful to Ruth and Vigdis’ breeder who didn’t have the heart to put them down, although advised to do so by a representative from the Norwegian Terrier Club. We must never be so selfish and mean that we can’t look after animals that aren’t quite standard A4. These animals also have a right to loving care. Don’t hold back, give a good home to a pet no-one else will have …